Raising Two ADVENTURERS to Love Jesus

Raising Two ADVENTURERS to Love Jesus

Thursday, September 5, 2013

PreK-3 at CAC!

I'm not real sure how my little boy is old enough for preschool?! He started PreK-3 at CAC on August 20, 2013.  He goes Tuesday/Thursday half days.  He was more than excited to start.  He told me on the drive to school, "Mom, I'm a little bit nervous."  I told him that it was OK to be nervous, and that he was going to have a wonderful time at school!  He met Mrs. Workman last May, but we also went up to school earlier that week for him to see his classroom and meet Mrs. Workman again.  
So proud he is writing his name!
Handsome little one.
I love how big the backpack looks!
He found his cubby!
He also found his cousin Jackson, right next door, in PreK-4!
Strikin' a pose!
Best buddy at school, Hoover!
 I always ask him about his day, and every time he tells me he played on the playground with Hoover!  I love seeing him make friendships at this age!
Before school picture with Cooper!
Before school picture with Blakely!
 I know there are several pictures of Blakely's mom and myself starting school together!  Blakely is in PreK-4, but they get to play together on the playground!
Strikin' (yet another) pose!
He had a great first day of school!  He was very red, sweaty, and stinky when I picked him up.  On the way out the door, I asked him to tell me his favorite part of school.  He said, "Mom, we got to go to recess TWO TIMES!" Oh, the simplicity of a child.  It made my heart glad.  And he also mentioned P.E. with Coach Hall.  He loves Coach Hall!
We had a celebratory dinner with ALL of the grandparents!  Dylan picked Larry's Pizza.  It was great to celebrate his first day of preschool!  We are now a few weeks in, and he still loves it!  He loves Spanish with Ms. Jamison, P.E., Gymnastics with Mrs. Tani, recess, circle time, and Mrs. Workman!  She gives lots of hugs and high fives which I love to see too!  His first unit was about frogs and his Bible lesson was "The Bible is God's Word."  He also has had his turn being line leader, and he was pretty proud about that! 

I'm thankful that he has the opportunity to slowly emerge into the school scene.  I'm thankful for loving, Christian teachers, and I must say, its pretty cool that he is starting out where his Daddy and Mommy graduated.  Here is the video I took of him on the way to school that first day:


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