Raising Two ADVENTURERS to Love Jesus

Raising Two ADVENTURERS to Love Jesus

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Mrs. Brady's Learning Garden

After 36 years of teaching, Mrs. Brady is retiring.  Our family has had the privilege of having her as our PreK-4 teacher many times!  She taught my sister in 1st grade, then me in PreK-4,  all of my nephews in PreK-4, and now Dylan in PreK-4!
We managed to surprise her at Field Day with the dedication of the school garden to her as Mrs. Brady's Learning Garden.  She has been instrumental in keeping it going.  And now, the PFTA is giving $500 a year strictly for upkeep and growth of the garden.
We love Mrs. Brady so very much.  She has been a wonderful teacher for Dylan.  She is calm, loving, and compassionate.  She definitely has a heart for Christ.
 Field Day action with hula hoops and the bouncy house!
Mrs. Brady's last PreK-4 class!
 Pretty great that she taught through 2 generations with us!!
We also enjoyed a HUGE PreK-4 tradition for the Pancake and PJ Breakfast to celebrate the letter P!
We all wore our pajamas to the school cafeteria, took our number (#12) at the door, and waited for our pancakes!
 Dylan said that Mr. Brady was the "best pancake maker ever!"


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