Raising Two ADVENTURERS to Love Jesus

Raising Two ADVENTURERS to Love Jesus

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Dylan has definitely been showing me lately that he is an almost 2 year old! Oh my! He has started testing us a little. He wants to know his boundaries and if they are going to be the same every time! I guess that is a lesson we all must learn, I am just trying my hardest to be consistent (way easier said than done)!

Here are his milestones, favorite things, etc....

-GOLF! I know it has been mentioned before, but he loves to watch it, read about it, and play it!
-NURSERY RHYMES! He loves to read about them, listen to CD's, and recite them himself.
-Favorite:"Baa, baa, black sheep, ha di wool, yes sir, yes sir, pee (three) bag full. And you mastu (master), and you dame, and you lil' dame-dame-dame (boy that lives down the lane)"
-Other favorites: Old Mac Donald had a farm, Humpty Dumpty
-NO! He just knows what he wants and doesn't want! What can I say, sometimes it is nice, sometimes not so much. :)
-GROWTH SPURT! He must be in a growth spurt! He is napping longer and he is a great little eater! We try to give him 2 choices of entrees for breakfast and lunch so HE gets to choose. He ALWAYS knows what he wants! Lol! Favorites right now: yogurt, spaghetti, chicken pasta, beans, corn, fruit, oh and chocolate chip cookies! Thanks Matt and Lana for the pizza and cookies, the chocolate goes great in my hair!!!!
-WOODY! We have discovered Toy Story and Woody. Oh man, what awesome movies! He loves Woody and Buzz! "To finit (infinity) and bond (beyond)!"
-EVERBODY, EVERDARE (EVERYWHERE)! Basically this means "someone else's". For example: "Everbody, everdare's mowing" "Everbody, everdare woking" So funny!
-ALL DAY! He uses this phrase all the time! "Daddy's woking (working) all day!
-POTTY! He pee pee'd in the potty for the first time on June 24th. He showed interest, so I sat him up there. He was so proud of himself. However, we haven't progressed past the occasional success. He isn't ready, and I am not going to push him.
-DO SELF! Oh this phrase shows so much independence! He wants to do most things by himself!
-ME-NAC DONALD'S! Or as we refer to it: McDonald's. He is in love with pancakes and sausage for breakfast. It is usually a Saturday morning treat from Daddy!
-SO CITING! (So exciting!)
-DELISUS! (Delicious) We cracked up when he said this!
-He speaks in sentences and has great comprehension with stories!
-The complexity of sentences he says is increasing:
"Go eat chicken nuggets at Daddy's wok (work)!"
-If I ask, "Who is in Mommy's belly?" He says, "CALEB!" He also felt Caleb move for the first time July 31st! He jerked those hands back toward his body, and looked at us like WHAT IN THE WORLD??!!!
-He took his first 9 hole ride on the golf course with Daddy and Mommy! He did great! We are teaching him about golf etiquette!
-RAIN-IN-TAIN! (orangutan)

Gearing up for his 2nd birthday! It is almost here!


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