Raising Two ADVENTURERS to Love Jesus

Raising Two ADVENTURERS to Love Jesus

Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy New Year!

We enjoyed our New Year's celebration with the boys this year!  We also were pretty excited that Nana and Pawpaw let them spend the night with them on New Year's Eve after our family celebration!  Jonathan and I got to go out for New Year's Eve dinner for the first time since 2007 we think!
We reflect back on our year and thank God for the blessing He has given to us.  We try each and every day to remember that the "things" that we have are just that: things.  We hope that we remember that giving is way more important than receiving.  We are excited to make new memories with our family in 2016.  As they get older, we face new challenges, but many things become easier.  Going on vacations, going to the grocery store, going out to eat are all a little bit easier than they once were!  We sure don't have all the answers, but have dear friends walking this road of parenthood with us.  We have formed some new lifetime relationships with dear friends and we continue to watch other friendships grow.  We have sad so long to some things that come with growing up and navigating life.  We are blessed with awesome parents that are super involved with our children and that live so close and can be involved in our lives.  We certainly do not take that for granted.  Here's to 2016 and whatever it may hold.
My prayer is that I can let God be the leader of my life.   I pray that He will be my focus as WE raise these boys in Him.  It ain't easy, but ain't that life?!?


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