-You have new ways to communicate:
Ni-ni-ni-ni: Your word for no I don't want to do this. You say this at diaper time, clothes time, when you are done eating,when you don't want to be in your carseat, etc.
Woof: We always say woof-woof when we play with Nelli. You say woof once minus the -w sound at the beginning.
-You can walk behind your walker ALL BY YOURSELF! You grin so big because you are so proud of your accomplishment!
-You love to CLIMB! We were playing in the den, and the next thing I knew, you where here:
Isn't that a "I've been caught" face!-You went to your 1st baseball game: the Arkansas Travelers!
-You are loving table food! Ham, turkey, bananas, crackers, peaches, pasta, blueberries, cheese, peas, carrots, just to name a few!
-You have discovered where the toilet paper is and how fun it is to watch it roll!!!!!!
-Right before your 10 month birthday, you stood up ALL BY YOURSELF! I even counted for 13 seconds! Yeah!
-I have started planning for the big 1st birthday! It is only 2 months away! Yikes!
Here is a short video clip of Dylan and his walk behind walker! Go DYLAN Go!
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