Raising Two ADVENTURERS to Love Jesus

Raising Two ADVENTURERS to Love Jesus

Friday, July 10, 2009

Dylan vs. Mommy

We went last Thursday for our 32 week checkup. Everything is still great and we go back in 2 weeks! It is bizarre to think that there are only 8 weeks 'till Dylan arrives! We can't wait! I am still feeling good, just not quite as mobile as I have been, plus its really hot these days. Thanks to Arkansas heat and humidity, the double whammy. We got most of Dylan's nursery completed this week, but you still have to wait for it to be 100% before I post pictures. (That doesn't sound like a perfectionist talking does it? ha!) We worked one evening for several hours and I was completely spent by the time we finished our "to-do" list. Jonathan said it was the first Dylan victory in the Dylan vs. Mommy war of who wins, he won because he sucked all my energy out! We both know that will be the first of many of his victories! :)

31 weeks complete (7-2-09)

We enjoyed Fourth of July festivities with the Arnold side of the family at the lake and then with some friends that evening. I got some really cute pictures that night of our friends and their kids. I also learned something new about my husband, he secretly loves FIREWORKS! Just what we need, an interest in fire. It was fun, and yes, the guys were safe with it all (as safe as you can be).

Ally Beth, Aiden, Kale, and Cameron enjoying the pool

Stephanie, Susan, and me

Jonathan enjoying bottle rockets :)

Susan and sweet boy Briley

Steve and Stephanie

Cool nightime firework shot

I hope to get some of the finishing touches for the nursery done this week and we should get our rocking/reclining chair in about 2 weeks. That should do it! It truly is flying by, and I feel blessed to not have too many complaints. Once again, stay cool, Rachel

32 weeks 4 days (7-13-09)



So glad to see that growing belly! Dylan will be here before you know it. Bailey says hello and we are enjoying following your pregnancy. We can't believe that our Paxton is 3 months old! It goes so quickly! Love, Shannon


Awww... Stephanie... I haven't seen her in forever! Tell her I said hello the next time you see her.

And congrats on having the nursery nearly finished! It's getting close... so exciting!!

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