Raising Two ADVENTURERS to Love Jesus

Raising Two ADVENTURERS to Love Jesus

Monday, September 28, 2015

A Whole New World {Caleb starts PreK-3}

And just like that, the littlest starts his new phase of life with preschool!  He is going 2 days a week on Tuesday and Thursday.  He has been excited but a little bit nervous, which is definitely his personality.  
 His turn for the "I Am Special" plate!
He wants to be just like his big brother and can't wait to play with Dylan on the playground!
He's excited to have Mrs. Workman!
  I think leaving the school building without either boy was harder than dropping off Dylan yesterday!  I know I will fill these days up quickly, but it was definitely an odd feeling!

My sister called and asked me to lunch on my first day of freedom ever!  She felt like we needed to commemorate this big occasion!  It definitely felt weird to not have a kiddo with me for the day!
As soon as I walked up to sign him out, I knew he had napped.  Bed head and blankie.  Man, my heart bursts for this little boy!
He got his Snackeez filled with treats to end his first day of school!   I am so proud of this sweet boy! He said he loved lunch and recess the most!


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