Raising Two ADVENTURERS to Love Jesus

Raising Two ADVENTURERS to Love Jesus

Monday, September 28, 2015

Somebody turned S-I-X! {In His Own Words}

Here are Dylan's thoughts at age 6:

What is your favorite color? Red
 What do you want to be when you grow up? 
I want to work at Arnold & Blevins.
 What is your favorite food? Steak
 Who is your best friend? Carter and Sawyer
 Tell me about your Dad. 
My dad is the best dad.
 Tell me about your Mom.
She is the greatest Mom.
 Tell me about Caleb.
Caleb is my best brother. 
Tell me your favorite thing about church/the Bible. 
Reading and learning the Bible.

40.4 pounds
46 inches tall

-Loves all things about Kindergarten, but tends to talk too much.  Aunt Carole says that's from her.
-Is much more emotional about life in general.
-Loves to create, build, and conquer American Ninja Warrior courses in our yard or at the park.
-Is obsessed with anything and everything related to Star Wars.
-Talks a lot about family heritage and our grandparents/great-grandparents. 
-Asks questions about life, death, and heaven.
-Still calls M&Ms- N-a-Ms. (and my heart explodes every time!)
-Enjoys doing anything with Daddy, especially if it's quality one-on-one.
-Really likes playing golf, but has a bit perfectionist in him.
-His thinking wheels are always turning unless he's asleep!
-He soaks up every little detail of things and really remembers them.  Even when I don't think he heard a thing!
-He loves to create things.  You can give him tape, paper, crayons, and paper plates, and he will make a playground!  I love watching him do this!

Conversation a few months back at bedtime with Daddy:
D:How did Moses destroy that golden calf?
J: He just tore it down.
D: But how?
J: Well, you remember how God gave him the power to cross the Red Sea?  I guess he could have just asked God to destroy that calf and it would have gone POOF!
D: Is God really that powerful?
J: Well of course, He can do anything.
D: I believe you Dad.  I really do.
J: God can do anything.
D: (inquisitively) Dad, do you think He can surf?
J: (laughing) Well, I'm sure He can son, if He wants to.
D: Well, He's probably too old to surf, but I bet He could...

He is so very active and full of life.  Yes, sometimes by the end of the day I am completely drained, but I wouldn't trade this boy for anything on this earth.  He has a zest and joy for life that is exciting.  He looks at everything as an adventure and he is ready to do it.  I pray that I do not ever squelch that zeal, but that we can teach him to channel it to do many wonderful things.  
Dylan, I love you with my whole heart!  Don't you ever forget it!  I am always on your team!


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